Monday, April 5, 2010

So Far, So Good

I had an appointment with the nurse practitioner today. I was going to post some ultrasound pictures, but they don't really look like much yet. Maybe I'll post some from the next appointment. Hopefully by that point the babies will have some distinguishable human features. I'm sure we could have gotten better pictures today, but that didn't really seem to be the NP's purpose. Oh well. I did get to see the heartbeats on the monitor. That is always reassuring.

The appointment today was a little strange for me. With my first pregnancy, I was referred to a perinatologist right after the fertility clinic. This time the fertility clinic sent me to my regular OB GYN, so everything is different. The NP made a comment about this being my first pregnancy. I corrected her and told her that I already have four-year-old twins. She looked at me like I was crazy! She said she saw the records in the computer, but assumed that my pregnancy in 2005-06 was a miscarriage. (Who would go back for more IVF, right?) We had a bit of an awkward moment while she tried to wrap her head around people wanting more than two kids. It was kind of awkward for me. Luckily, my appointments after this will be with my regular OB. At the very least, the NP could have pretended not to think I'm insane. Oh well. I figured I would get some reactions like that. Most people (strangers or acquaintances) here assumed we were done having kids when our first set of twins turned out to be a girl and a boy. It's amusing to me to see the way other people think.

I'm almost through the first trimester of this pregnancy. I'll officially be 12 weeks pregnant on Thursday. The allergic reactions are getting much better in the last few days. I think I only ended up taking Benadryl about 50% of last week. Yay! I'm really hoping I will start to like food again soon. So far I've lost about 2-3 pounds because food is really disgusting to me. But I'm getting so hungry all the time now that I really need to eat more. It's the strangest contradiction! Please share your ideas of foods that were super tasty while you were pregnant. I really need to find something that tastes good and doesn't make me want to run for the bathroom. :)


Erin Bingham said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so excited for you. I cannot believe you are having another set of twins. That is too wild. I guess you like to do everything in 2's. Too awesome!!! Sorry I don't have any recommendations for food. I was sick all 9 months with my last pregnancy, and nothing tasted good the whole 9 months. Right after I have the baby things taste awesome. Thus the nice poundage I put on after the last pregnancy, and have now just taken off again. Lovely, because now it is time to get prego again.

Jennifer Skinner said...

It's so exciting!!!
I lost about 10 pounds at first with Jared because I was soooo sick, but when I could eat anything it was a bean burrito with all the hot sauce I could slather on it. Wierd, but I liked it.

Tiffany Kadani said...

That NP is weird. More than two kids? What? Haha... you should have been like "I want ten. I want to be like the Duggards."

Julie said...

Don't let other people bother you! The bigger the family- the more love in your house to share! (People have sometimes looked at Matt and I like we are nuts for having 4 under the age of 8- but we wouldn't trade any of them, either!) So sorry about the tummy troubles- good luck with that... Congrats to your family!

Unknown said...

well, I've never been pregnant (and don't have any news :) ), but can't never deny no pan of half-baked brownies... :)

Amz said...

For some reason the only thing that tasted good to me were things like french fries, Jamba Juice, and tater tots (from Sonic). I look back wonder if I craved those fried things because my body was trying to put on weight for the baby? They seemed to calm my tummy. Glad you are feeling better!

And as far as your NP...Were you live is notorious for those types of comments! (They are just not used to big families) When we were there, I never got more! Some times they were so rude, I'd end up running home to have a real good cry-fest. The BEST one...(and this one was actually here) I was very pregnant with my #5 and stupidly enough I was at walmart with ALL of my other kids. They were really going at it, crying, whining, and fighting. I think I had stayed too long. Well, these 2 ladies walked by with disgusting looks and said, loud enough for me to hear, of course, "Well, SHE doesn't need to have any more kids!" **sigh*** I think after that comment, I didn't go anywhere in public for a long time. It finally took me until having #5 that I really, honestly didn't care what people thought.... Hang in there!