Thursday, May 6, 2010

Baby Update

Here are a few ultrasound pictures from last week.

Baby B back of head and spine (facing down)

Baby B Profile (facing up)

Baby A Profile (facing up)

Baby A with hand next to face

I had my first appointment with my OB/GYN, Dr. Grullon, today. I love him! I've only seen him a few times in the last 8 1/2 years, so I don't know him very well; but he was so supportive and happy for me today. I'm so glad he is my doctor!

From here on out the medical monitoring gets more intense. I will see Dr. Grullon every two weeks, and I will have a "big" ultrasound every 4-6 weeks. Suddenly I feel like my schedule is getting full.

Dr. Grullon did an ultrasound "up top" (what's the technical term?) and a vaginal ultrasound to check my cervix today. I had a "big" ultrasound last week, and he discussed the results with me today. At Kaiser the "big" ultrasounds--where they measure the babies' bones, brain, organs, etc.--are done in the radiology department. Dr. G said that one of the placentas is just touching my cervix. I think this is called placenta previa. I saw the radiology tech type it on one of the pictures last week, but she didn't mention it to me. I'm pretty sure that's because she is not actually allowed to discuss the results with patients. That job is left to the doctor. Anyway, Dr. G said today that when the placenta is close to/touching the cervix this early in the pregnancy, it will usually resolve and move away. If it doesn't move away from my cervix, then we will have a c-section delivery. He said if I tried to do a vaginal delivery with the placenta there I would just bleed. I'm kind of freaked out about this, but Dr. G was so calm and didn't seem to be overly concerned. So I'm going to rely on his expertise and tell myself not to worry until there is really something to worry about. In the mean time I'll definitely be praying for that placenta to move over! Dr. G said he will be doing an ultrasound on my belly and a vaginal ultrasound to check my cervix at every appointment until the placenta is no longer touching my cervix. Besides this minor concern, everything else looks good.

Dr. Grullon was so upbeat and positive. And he seems genuinely excited that we are having a second set of twins. He mentioned how unusual it is for someone to have more than one set of twins and how wonderful it is for us. I really appreciate his positive attitude. I can get so anxious and nervous when I go to the doctor, but he made me feel so comfortable and more calm. He even asked me to bring him pictures of Peyton and Maryam that he can put up in his office.
Every time I see the babies on an ultrasound I get more excited to meet them. This pregnancy is finally starting to feel real. I am beginning to show a little, but I won't post a picture yet. Mostly, I just look like I need to start working out more. Maybe next month I will look pregnant enough to put up a picture. I have felt the babies move a little bit too. I realized during the "big" ultrasound last week that I feel them moving more than I thought. It was easier to identify when I saw them moving on the screen and felt the little tickling movements inside me at the same time. I've also felt a few definite thumps. On Tuesday I rested some library books against my stomach and got a kick right behind my belly button!
I'm officially 16 weeks pregnant, as of yesterday. Woo hoo! Moving right along!


Cami said...

glad all looks good with babies. no gender yet?
i had placenta previa with clay at my 20 week ultrasound and it was totally resolved by the end. hopefully the same for you. if not, csections arent too bad. i dont think so anyway.
congrats and keep us all posted

Julie said...

So happy for you guys! At least you're all set up for twins and kind of know what to expect. I can't even imagine the fun, love, snuggles and chaos that comes with having two sets of twins. Glad everything is progressing smoothly!
All of my kids have had low lying placentas early on... and all of them have raised as pregnancy progressed. Hope yours does too...