Friday, June 18, 2010

In Other News . . .

Life is moving along at a regularly crazy pace. Peyton and Maryam are growing like weeds, as evidenced by Peyton's flooding pants. I bought him a couple new pair of jeans and a pair of church pants, but I refuse to buy any other pants until fall. This wouldn't really be a problem, except that the boy loves to wear his sweat pants. We are starting to get a lot of comments, even from strangers, about the length of his pants. I find it comical. Yes, I know my son's pants are too short. No, I'm not going to do anything about it right now. Thanks for being the fifth person to point it out today! :)

We are having lots of summer fun so far. We have two weekly park days, and next week I'm going to meet with some other moms to plan more fun activities. One that's high on my list is the tour of the Jelly Belly factory. I think Peyton and Maryam will really like it. I need to try to get that one on the schedule sooner than later, since it will mean a fair amount of walking and time on my feet. Other activities like going to the beach might be a bit less strenuous for a pregnant mama. Shoot, a day laying around in the sun sounds great! Our neighborhood pool has been a nice amenity too. My belly feels so much lighter in the water. Peyton is a regular fish, and loves jumping in, trying to dive for toys, swimming around with his friends, etc. Maryam doesn't really like to put her face in the water, but she LOVES the social aspect of the pool. This can cause me a bit of stress, since she sometimes wants to hang out with the local teenage girls who happen to be at the pool. Yikes! I'm really not ready for her to be a teenager yet.

I haven't figured out yet what to do about preschool in the fall. We've been doing a co-op style preschool for the last two years. I'd love to continue, but I'm not sure if it's realistic with a brand new set of twins due about the time school starts. I got a flyer about an in-home preschool nearby, and based on the price, I think I'm going to have to suck it up and be super woman with the co-0p style again. Paid preschool for twins is expensive!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Make sure you check which days the Jelly Belly factory is actually open. They do tours everyday, but the machines don't run all the time--maybe just during weekdays. My family went and we toured the factory, but nothing was up and running--so not as interesting. Gift shop--always open. :-)
