Monday, November 3, 2008

Proposition 8

We have been working all weekend to help pass Proposition 8 in California. I spent all day Saturday and all afternoon Sunday making phone calls to registered voters to encourage them to vote yes. Then today Tobin and I stood in the pouring rain for two hours during the evening rush hour holding signs promoting Prop 8. I'm so excited to be involved in this cause. I've never really been involved in a political campaign before. It's so thrilling to think that I might help to lead people to vote for something I believe in so strongly. The news is showing this as a very tight race. I really hope we win! If not, we're going to have to think very seriously about whether or not we can send our kids to public schools in California.

The passion on both sides of this issue is amazing. There are many people who believe strongly that Prop 8 should be passed--amending the state constitution to say that marriage is only between a man and a woman. And there are many who want desperately to defeat Prop 8. I can see the argument for both sides, but God has made it clear which is correct. And so my religious convictions have determined my answer. It's interesting that church and state are supposed to be separate in our country, and yet it's very difficult to accomplish that. We have had people say to us that they didn't realize this was a religious issue at all. Seems they don't understand much about religion. I also had a woman tell me today that I am not a Christian since I support Prop 8. Seems to me she doesn't understand Christ's teachings.

Now I just have to wait 24 hours more to find out if our hard work has paid off. Even if we lose this time, the experience has been incredible! And we will continue to work to protect that which is sacred.

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