Monday, October 12, 2009

Child's Play

Maryam and Peyton had to stay home from preschool today because they are getting over a cold. They played so nicely together! Peyton was being "Tobin the Superman" and Maryam was being "Lydia the Princess." They told me that they were going to a wedding after lunch to get married and if they prayed really hard they would get a baby. Obviously we have some teaching to do in the sex-ed department! But I love that they are getting the spiritual part of it - when we want the Lord to bless us we pray and ask Him. (By the way, we have explained before that because they are brother and sister they can not marry each other. But when they are the only two here, who else is going to play the part???)
Dancing at the pretend wedding (in their room)

Pretend wedding photo op!


Kirsty said...

Tooooo adorable!!!

Amz said...

This is so cute! THEY are adorable.

Tara said...

The pics are adorable!